大连本色美黑沙龙 dalian bense tanning salon 大连本色美黑沙龙开业至今已经有两年了,让我们大连的朋友不用去外地,也可以享受到高质量的美黑服务。我们的美黑沙龙致力于提供一个高端,干净,舒适的环境,我们的日光浴美黑机 luxura V8 购自荷兰 VDL Hapro公司。荷兰进口的世界一流美黑设备,2020年,我们又新购置了德国 ergoline 的胶原蛋白机,可以为大家提供胶原蛋白舱的服务了,大连高端美黑领导者,因专业美晒而生,只为让你更出众。
Dalian Ben-se Tanning Salon was established in Dalian in the year of 2019The tanning machine Hapro LuxuraV6 that is serving our customers today is imported from Netherlands.Dalian Ben-se Tanning Salon aims to provide you not just convenience but also the best tanning services to all of our customers.Indoor Tanning is a quick, affordable and easy process to get tanned. Come in today for the ultimate tanning experience! |